Former Foster Youth Donates To “HQ of Hope” Campaign

One-hundred dollars may not seem like a lot of money to you or I, but for former foster youth William Baldwin it is. So, imagine the surprise our Covenant offices this morning, when he slapped it down on a table and said…”I want to donate to the HQ of Hope Campaign.”

William Baldwin a former foster youth and Covenant intern, donates $100 dollars to "HQ of Hope" Campaign

A former foster youth purchasing a “HQ of Hope” stock certificate…wow.


  1. Jonah on November 16, 2010 at 4:02 pm

    Williams offering is just like the story of the poor widow (Mark 12:41-44) giving two copper coins that were worth a fraction of a penny. That sacrifice was all the widow had making it much greater than the sacrifice the rich were giving out of their wealth. Thank you William!

  2. Jonah on November 16, 2010 at 4:02 pm

    Williams offering is just like the story of the poor widow (Mark 12:41-44) giving two copper coins that were worth a fraction of a penny. That sacrifice was all the widow had making it much greater than the sacrifice the rich were giving out of their wealth. Thank you William!

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